The Mediterranean Seminar Review (TMSR)
Style Sheet

All reviewers should have a PhD in a relevant discipline and must be members of the Mediterranean Seminar.

1) Reviews will be in English (US spelling), with a length of 1000–1500 words.
2) Involvement in the development of a book as a reader, advisor, editor, commentator, etc., constitutes a conflict of interest that precludes one from reviewing it. Nor can one review books by colleagues, project collaborators, or personal friends or family members, or by authors with whom any other conflict of interest exists. Being noted in the acknowledgements does not necessarily disqualify one as a reviewer.
3) Reviews are due 3 months after an assignment is accepted.
4) Reviews are to be submitted as Word documents, double-spaced in Times 12-point font.
5) Reviews will begin with a header including: Last name, First name of Author. Title: subtitle (in italics). Edition. Translated by First and Last name [if applicable]. Series name, volume [if applicable]. Place: Publisher, Year [year of first edition, if applicable]. ISBN (13-digit). #+# Pp + # maps, # figures, # illustrations. Formats and US$ list prices. [The original title and publication information, if a translation] Reviewer name: department, institution (email address).
6) A table of contents with chapter names and inclusive page numbers should follow the review.
7) Excerpts or citations to the book under review should be made with the page number noted in parentheses following the excerpt.
8) References to other works should be made in endnotes, formatted according to Chicago style, in Times 12-point font, single-spaced, with ragged (not justified) right margins.
9) Reviews must be professional and courteous in tone and refrain from comment or editorialization that is ad hominem, disrespectful, not related directly to the book, or false.
10) The reviewer grants permission to TMSR to edit or amend a review and to publish and distribute it.
11) The reviewer accepts full and complete responsibility and liability for the contents of the review should any dispute arise.
12) If a reviewer accepts a review assignment they must review the book in question only for TMSR; reviews cannot be reprinted without permission (they can be posted on the author's own webpage and on, ResearchGate, and similar platforms if they are cited as reviews published by TMSR).
13) If a reviewer decides not to review a book after having received it, the reviewer will be responsible for mailing the book to the next reviewer assigned to it.
14) Author(s) of the book will be invited to comment on/respond to the review.

Book Review Editor
• Andrew Devereux: History, University of California San Diego
Editorial Assistant
Aaron Stamper: History, Princeton University